Friday, August 11, 2006


You guys should know that I have subscribed the playboy magzine since I was here.

This magzine is delivered with a hearty consideration, which is the magzine delivered in a sealed and opaque plastic bag. It can prevent those hot girls on the cover to be seen and nobody will know that you are the guy who subscribe Playboy. Because the bottom page is usually for some commercials of cigar or wine, the plastic bag has only one opaque side. I believe God listened to my pray. I recieved the latest issue last evening, so those hot girls come directly to my place. However, something happened. The bottom page of this issue is a commerical for Volkswagon. They want to prompt their new car "rabbit" and emphasize "the rabbit is back", so they put the back of the cover page of this issue. There are three hot girls on the cover page, therefore you can imagine there are three cute butts on the bottom page. The picture is as shown below.
Do you notice that? The issue is still in that opaque plastic bag. However, there is only one opaque side. So, everybody knew it is a playboy in that bag.... What should i say?? I guess you guys will say, Yabee. Yeah, exactly, yabee....

I told you guys, you must pray!